4 Major Benefits of Next-Gen SIEM

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4 Major Benefits of Next-Gen SIEM
4 Major Benefits of Next-Gen SIEM
4 Major Benefits of Next-Gen SIEM
4 Major Benefits of Next-Gen SIEM
4 Major Benefits of Next-Gen SIEM

Security analysts are facing more frequent cyberattacks than ever, bigger defense systems to fend them off, and new protective tools at the cloud and at facilities than ever before. All this is accompanied by cybersecurity specialists who are leaving the field. Stress, bad management, and long hours are inspiring top specialists to look for alternative work elsewhere.

Bombarded with alerts and understaffed, those who care most for it make it hard for them to work. This would mean, therefore, that they would require tools that would decrease their manual labor.

A tool that helps improve information security staff’s work, next generation security information and event management (or next-generation SIEM) allows security professionals to deal with long-standing security problems. How does this compare to traditional SIEM technology?

We uncover the details below.

What Is Next Gen SIEM?


Next generation SIEM is a cloud-based security tool that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify malicious activity in real time.

SIEM, the precursor of the next generation SIEM, is known for its high number of false alarms, the large volume of data that is improperly categorized, and the low quality surrounding the information about threats in systems and computers.

The newest version of SIEM has proven to be more accurate, easier to manage, and gives better access to the data.

The main advantages of the next gen SIEM include:

  • The early discovery of threats
  • Unified data management
  • Reduced alert fatigue
  • Simpler scaling of security

Let’s break down these benefits even further.

#1 Early Discovery of Threats

Next-generation SIEM uses artificial intelligence to identify and quickly respond to security threats. The data collected by the versatile security systems is analyzed, making it possible for the team to respond expediently to identified concerns or mitigate potential threats.

This includes persistent attacks as well. Dubbed zero-day, such threats refer to previous weaknesses that were either exploited or fixed by IT teams before that happened.

Due to the fact that next generation SIEM utilizes machine learning and takes note continuously of the typical behavior in the system, it is swift to detect anomalies that point to very high-risk threats. Identifying threats on time is essential since proper reaction speed cuts costs that a business will have to allocate in order to correct the aftermath of a cyberattack.

#2 Unified Data Management

One of the most substantial hindrances facing conventional SIEM is how it generates an enormous volume of information and how it must determine the most crucial details. In the next generation tool, the information is automatically categorized and contextualized regardless of the quantity.

The best next-generation security incident management tool combines all data in a single platform, including third-party data as well as that individual to your architecture.

For every Surveillance Management team, having the right information in one place allows specialists to act quickly and respond to emergencies as necessary.

#3 Reduced Alert Fatigue

SIEM is an alert-loving computer software that generates a huge number of warnings from varied sources. What’s more, it surveys various alert lists from different sources.

Alarms would be raised in the event of any change within the network, and IT teams would have to determine whether the alert needs to be looked at or perhaps ignored, putting things off as a result of their search for information regarding that part impact and in which the threat might be.

False warnings such as these will most likely be mistaken for non-threatening problems by security professionals. Consequently, the expert community is likely to disregard even alarms that identify real concerns. Next gen SIEM is designed to ease overworked security personnel who are constantly playing catch-up.

Sophisticated data analytics and automation link real-time events with real-time alert notifications. One example is that fewer alerts coming from a single dashboard means less unhappy security staff and more time to deal with higher risk issues.

#4 Simpler Scaling of Security

Security needs to be able to adapt to the technological transformations taking place in organizations’ IT systems. As more and more businesses work in the cloud, they require solutions that are quickly deployable. That requires relying on security tools that can adapt to expanding as well as complex infrastructures.

Devices and software that are added (whether it’s a new remote employee’s device or more cloud storage) have to be safeguarded with flexible security locations and constantly managed afterward. More complicated processes and a more extensive toolkit generate even more information about security that has to be sorted on the spot.

The Next Generation SIEM cloud-based tool can be adjusted based on the needs of growing businesses. The scalability of big data is an important aspect of the tool as well, as it is designed to add more volume within the cloud-based solution.


Next-generation situational awareness computerization emulates the shortcomings of traditional situational awareness computers, but fixes the accompanying issues. For example, poor data quality and quantity, overwhelming amount of warnings, and failure to detect zero-day assaults.

For businesses, Terraeagle results in better safety at a lower cost and allowing security teams who are less overworked and overwhelmed by all of the incoming data that is being generated from multiple siloed sources.

Next generation SIEM additionally created security that can keep pace with the rapid advancement of technology, a wealth of information, and complex infrastructures of modern day businesses.

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