Category: Cybersecurity blogs

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  • Category: Cybersecurity blogs
New mobile malware is being used to steal banking details from users via BrasDex
New mobile malware is being used to steal banking details from users via BrasDex
New mobile malware is being used to steal banking details from users via BrasDex
New mobile malware is being used to steal banking details from users via BrasDex

New mobile malware is being used to steal banking details from users via BrasDex

Android users have recently been targeted by a malicious trojan referred to as BrasDex that was nearly identical to Casbaneiro, a trojan targeting Windows banking systems. Recent reports from ThreatFabric reveal that a new campaign is underway, in which Brazilian users have been named as the primary victims of malware (BrasDex) attacks. Automated Keylogging functions

Credit Card Company Exposed 9 million Transaction Records Online

Security researcher Jeremiah Fowler along with Website Planet’s research team discovered a wide-open and latently exposed database that contained more than 9.1 million records, as well as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This data contained confidential information, such as merchant names, payee names, partial credit card numbers, expiration date, email address, security or access tokens, etc.

Cybersecurity experts analyzed destructive Azov ransomware 

Security experts have published the innovative mechanism behind the spread of a new scareware program called Azov Ransomware, which is designed to make data inaccessible and causes “unalloyed damage” to compromised software. Distributed through another malware loader known as SmokeLoader, the malware has been described as an effective, fast, and unrecoverable data wiper, by Israeli

The new ‘Zombinder’ platform features Android malware with legitimate app 

A darknet platform known as “Zombinder” allows cyber-criminals to compose malicious Android apps that imitate genuine ones, giving victims the opportunity to unintentionally infect themselves. New tracking systems for computing platforms, observed by cybersecurity company ThreatFabric, caught the eye of malware developers. The website impersonates WiFi authorization portals, supposedly enabling users to gain access to