Category: Privacy

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  • Category: Privacy
What assistance do cloud services offer in addressing privacy and security concerns?
What assistance do cloud services offer in addressing privacy and security concerns?
What assistance do cloud services offer in addressing privacy and security concerns?
What assistance do cloud services offer in addressing privacy and security concerns?

What assistance do cloud services offer in addressing privacy and security concerns?

What is Cloud Security?  Cloud security is an area of concern for many organizations as data stored in the cloud is increasingly vulnerable to unauthorized access or breach. Cloud-based data stores and services, such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are susceptible to attack from malicious actors; therefore, organizations must ensure that their use of cloud technology does

Why Phishing Campaigns are a Critical Threat in the Corporate World and What Companies Can Do to Protect Themselves

As the use of technology has become increasingly prevalent in the business world, so too have cyber attacks such as phishing campaigns. These attacks, which involve sending fraudulent emails or messages to individuals or organizations in an attempt to obtain sensitive information, can have serious consequences for businesses and organizations. In this blog, we will

OWASSRF: New Exploit Method for Exchange Bypassing ProxyNotShell Mitigations

A recent publication demonstrated that several Play ransomware intrusions seem to have been caused by the Microsoft Exchange ProxyNotShell vulnerabilities CVE-2022-41040 and CVE-2022-41082. In each instance, the relevant logs and ruled there was no evidence of the exploitation of CVE-2022-41040 for initial access. Instead, it appears that the PoC was made directly through Outlook Web

Credit Card Company Exposed 9 million Transaction Records Online

Security researcher Jeremiah Fowler along with Website Planet’s research team discovered a wide-open and latently exposed database that contained more than 9.1 million records, as well as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This data contained confidential information, such as merchant names, payee names, partial credit card numbers, expiration date, email address, security or access tokens, etc.