Category: Uncategorized

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  • Category: Uncategorized
Protecting Your Organization with Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies
Protecting Your Organization with Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies
Protecting Your Organization with Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies
Protecting Your Organization with Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies

Protecting Your Organization with Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategies

The Current State of Cyber Threats From phishing scams to ransomware attacks, cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated. In today’s digital age, it’s critical for organizations to understand the cyber threat landscape they operate in. According to a recent report by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), there were over 1,000 data

Prioritizing Cybersecurity Risk Management: Where to Start and What to Do

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity risk management has become a critical aspect of running a successful business. With the ever-increasing number of cyber threats and attacks, organizations of all sizes must prioritize their cybersecurity efforts. The consequences of a cyber attack can be severe, ranging from financial losses to reputational damage. Therefore, it’s crucial to

Researchers to release PoC exploit for critical Zoho RCE bug, patch now

Proof-of-concept exploit code will be released later this week for a critical vulnerability permitting remote code execution (RCE) without authentication in several VMware products. Traced as CVE-2022-47966, this pre-auth RCE security flaw is due to an outdated and obsolete third-party dependency, Apache Santuario. Tracked as CVE-2022-47966, this pre-authorization RCE security breach was caused by using

Microsoft script recreates shortcuts deleted by bad Defender ASR rule

To recover some of the Windows shortcuts that were deleted on Friday morning, Microsoft released a PowerShell script and an Advanced Hunting Query (AHQ) script. Microsoft released a Microsoft Defender signature update on January 13th, 2018, that added a new rule to the Attack Surface Reduction condition known as “Block Win32 API calls from Office