Mikko Hypponen’s opinion on the technological revolution

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Mikko Hypponen’s opinion on the technological revolution
Mikko Hypponen’s opinion on the technological revolution
Mikko Hypponen’s opinion on the technological revolution
Mikko Hypponen’s opinion on the technological revolution
Mikko Hypponen’s opinion on the technological revolution

Mikko Hypponen, the Chief Research Officer at WithSecure (formerly F-Secure), is considered one of the world’s best cybersecurity experts and has strongly held opinions about the future of technology and the resulting threats.

Every year, more and more people go online, whether due to expanded access in underserved areas or the passage of new generations’ discerning online methods. Nevertheless, the dangers of being online intensify every year, not just as a result of the number of individuals online, but also because of the way modern technology empowers people to communicate.

Much of the population is working more independently or work remotely from headquarters, which creates security risks for companies that rely on staff to establish secure connections.

Hypponen believes that criminal attacks designed to target social network websites are only getting started. Who’s protecting us against malware? If we couldn’t depend on the honesty of big tech companies and the NSA’s large-scale spy efforts, who would we assume would guard against it?

If It’s Smart, It’s Vulnerable

Mikko Hypponen can be booked as a keynote speaker many of his talks expand on ideas in his new book, If it’s smart, it’s vulnerable. The book deals with the transformative power of the Internet, its potential downfalls, and the importance of cybersecurity.

Through his 30 years of experience, Hypponen explores the very important role the internet plays in our lives and sheds light on it based on past innovations. He also suggests cautioning against its upcoming journeys.

Keeping ourselves safe from hackers

Hackers are continually developing new ways of committing internet crime. Cyber-security against a myriad of threats must also evolve. However, taking care to follow some basic safety strategies are valuable for guarding against hackers.

Utilizing a password manager to generate strong, unique passwords for individual online accounts is recommended. Do not utilize the exact same password for several accounts, or use the password manager to generate a password randomly.

Two-factor authentication adds another layer of security to your accounts by requiring you to enter a code sent to your mobile phone or email in addition to your password. This can help prevent hackers from accessing your account remotely with just a password.

It’s important to keep your operating system, web browsers, as well as other software current to protect against security threats. The most extensive preventative measures oftentimes come from the suppliers mentioned above, so make sure to always keep your windows updated.

A virtual private network (VPN) particularly when connecting to public Wi-Fi can be used. A VPN protects your network connection and your personal information from being stolen by hackers, as well as prevents monitoring your activities.

In the context of running a business, training is extremely important, especially at a time when the labor force may include employees who must authenticate themselves remotely from home.

Mikko Hypponen has a strong and clear opinion

Mikko Hypponen has listed the potential threats that are fast approaching. As internet users, the best we can do is comply with best practices. However, it is also necessary to question who is in charge of the internet, who is keeping us safe, and whether organizations such as the NSA are acting in our best interests.

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