

About Phishing

Phishing is a form of cyberattack, where fraudulent individuals go to great lengths to pose as a company or organization. Victims become victims to request credit card numbers, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and more. This information can be used by criminals to steal the person's identity and commit more crimes. 

Phishing is particularly beneficial for attackers to enter into corporate or governmental networks as part of a larger attack, such as an advanced persistent threat (APT) incident. Large numbers of employees will voluntarily devote themselves to committing security breaches so that they can bypass security procedures, withdraw malware into a closed environment, or gain access to secured data.

An attacked business may experience significant financial losses as well as a decrease or loss of esteem, popularity, and reputation. Depending on the nature of the assault, a cyberattack may escalate into a crisis from which a business might struggle to recover.

Core Capabilities:

  • Phishing Simulation Tools
  • Security Awareness Training
  • 24x7x365 Follow-The-Sun Monitoring
  • Collaborate With a Dedicated Security Advisor
  • Deploy Email Security Solutions
  • Make Use of Endpoint Monitoring and Protection
  • Limit User Access to High-Value Systems and Data
About Us

Our Approach to Phishing Services

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    A Layered Approach

    A multi-step approach to anti-phishing protection offers a collection of steps. Like a progression of hurdles on the left. Each additional barrier makes it significantly less probable that a dangerous email will get through.

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    Protection For All Devices

    Handheld and the use of mobile devices within companies are part of everyday work now. Your antiphishing safety plan should account for that. But don't have to have to install a new plugin or set up software every time an employee changes the direction of workstations or brings in a new handheld or mobile device.

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    Protection With Settings You Control

    Our email security solution offers more than just an on and off switch. You will be able to modify the settings and filter conditions used to screen your emails. You will have the ability to access logs to monitor your threat environment. At a minimum, you will be able to customize your whitelists and blacklists.

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    Simple Dashboard Control

    TerraEagle’s email security solution provides comprehensive visibility and control over your security system from a single unified web-based interface. The interface includes access to activity logs and provides a real-time overlay of the email queue. And you should be able to track and configure all capabilities from the interface.

A Turnkey Solution For Phishing

Incident Response

Incident Response

Incorporate the methods and knowledge from TerraEagle to counter phishing and potential threats.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

We'll provide you with centralized visibility to ensure you're aware of your exact most crucial business-wide cybersecurity threats.

Ransomware Prevention

Ransomware Prevention

Ransomware is a sort of computer virus that scrambles your data and holds it for ransom until you make payment. With our ransomware prevention strategies, we will prevent attacks like this, which usually start with phishing.

Fraud Protection

Fraud Protection

TerraEagle prevents fraudulent transactions by authenticating users across every multichannel customer journey and combating phishing and malware.

Zero Trust Security

Zero Trust Security

When expanding your environment, you should adopt a zero-trust approach for granting access to enable only privileged users to access information that is related to their jobs.

Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

Safeguard all your mobile devices, apps, and content. Seamlessly tie together your present platforms and create a frictionless user experience.


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