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Elevate your cybersecurity with our advanced AI-powered platform

Meet and exceed compliance goals with our unified platform

Protect identities, endpoints, email, cloud, and data, and manage patches from a single dashboard

Upgrade to Terraguard Plus Today

Trusted by Security Teams at Leading Companies

Fragmented Security Solutions

Managing multiple security tools drains resources and creates potential gaps in protection

Increasing Cyber Threats

Sophisticated attacks require a comprehensive, adaptable solution

User-Centric Vulnerabilities

Many solutions fail to address the human element, leaving organizations at risk

Complex Threat Landscape

Diverse attack vectors across identities, endpoints, email, cloud, and data require constant vigilance

Patch Management Challenges

Keeping systems updated without disrupting operations is a constant struggle

Overwhelming Vulnerabilities

Identifying, prioritizing, and addressing vulnerabilities across the entire IT infrastructure is time-consuming and complex.

Unified Platform

Simplifies security management with our AI-powered platform. Connects M365/Google Workspace users, emails, devices, data, and more in one place

User-Centric Approach

Links threats to specific users for better responses. Uses behavioral insights and threat analysis to improve incident handling

Real-Time Protection

Provides active protection and 24/7 monitoring to reduce digital risks. Constantly watches for threats and takes swift action on issues

Comprehensive Coverage

Protect identities, endpoints, email, cloud, and data from a single dashboard.

Automated Patch Management

Keep endpoints updated and protected 24/7 with proactive, intelligent patch deployment

Managed Vulnerability Management

Continually monitor your endpoints for vulnerabilities and get tailored remediation guidance


One platform, Many Use Cases

Integrated Security Controls

Easily manages essential security controls from one central view

Single View of All Issues

Provides constant updates for threats across all systems, prioritizing problems and offering details for swift resolutions.

User-Centric Risk Assessment

Assesses how employee actions impact the company’s security

Secure All Devices

Monitors all devices within the company, enhancing endpoint protection and resolving device issues promptly

Intelligent Patch Deployment

Deploys patches seamlessly, prioritizing based on criticality without impacting performance

Full Visibility of Digital Footprint

Finds, manages, and monitors all of the company’s online assets through an External Footprint Scan

Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment

Assesses vulnerability risks, prioritizing urgent issues with exploit availability information.

Comprehensive Protection


Building Awareness Culture

  • Custom security training plans
  • Realistic phishing tests
  • Requires security evaluations
  • Instant updates on training progress


Email Security

  • Cloud-based for easy use
  • Works well with Microsoft 365 &
    Google Workspace
  • Predicts potential threats
  • Strong, up-to-date protection
  • Quick threat alerts
  • Instant problem-solving


Cloud Data Protection

  • Keeps data safe
  • Uses multi-factor authentication
  • Checks security policies
  • Spots unusual user activity
  • Controls unauthorized apps
  • Fixes issues quickly


External Footprint

  • Checks external services
  • Monitors email security settings
  • Verifies SSL certificates
  • Detailed security reports
  • Monitors leaked data
  • Searches the dark web for threats


Endpoint Security

  • Protects company devices
  • Checks device security status
  • Detects missing updates
  • Manages antivirus software
  • Protects web browsing
  • Investigates and responds to threats


AI-Powered Phishing Simulation

  • Real-time alerts
  • Uses AI to create realistic tests
  • Creates custom campaigns
  • Schedules tests automatically
  • Enables employees to learn from their mistakes


Patch Management

  • Prioritizes critical patches
  • Ensures patch stability and security
  • Fast-tracks security updates
  • Provides patch compliance reports
  • Balances security with performance


Vulnerability Management

  • Identifies and profiles assets
  • Implements risk-based remediation
  • Manages customized vulnerability programs
  • Conducts internal and external network vulnerability scanning
  • Delivers monthly vulnerability reports
  • Holds Quarterly Business Reviews (QBR) with executive stakeholders

From cyber threats to cyber security

Insights from Our Case Studies

Elevate your cybersecurity and ensure robust protection with Terraguard Plus


Integrated Security Features
in one comprehensive platform


Real-Time Protection
against evolving threats


Threat Detection Rate


in patch deployment time


in high-risk vulnerabilities

Start Your Free Trial Now